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Version: 21.0.0

WalletConnect (BETA)


This feature is a work in progress, and might be refined in the near future. We encourage Taquito users to try this feature and reach out to us if you have any issues or concerns.

The @taquito/wallet-connect package provides a WalletConnect class which implements the WalletProvider interface. The package is intended to be used by dapp developers. Similarly to BeaconWallet, an instance of WalletConnect can be injected into the TezosToolkit to work with the wallet API.

Instantiate WalletConnect and connect to a wallet

The first step is to instantiate WalletConnect by passing your dapp details as a parameter of the init method as follows:

import { WalletConnect } from "@taquito/wallet-connect";
const walletConnect = await WalletConnect.init({
projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID", // can get YOUR_PROJECT_ID from [Reown Cloud](
metadata: {
icons: ["ICON_URL"],
url: "DAPP_URL",

The second step is to establish a connection to a wallet using the requestPermissions method:

import { NetworkType, PermissionScopeMethods } from "@taquito/wallet-connect";
await walletConnect.requestPermissions({
permissionScope: {
networks: [NetworkType.GHOSTNET],
methods: [

The parameter of the requestPermissions method has a permissionScope property allowing to specify the networks, methods, and events that will be granted permission.

It has an optional pairingTopic property, which allows connecting to an existing active pairing. If pairingTopic is undefined, a QR/deep-links Modal will open in the dapp, allowing the user to connect to a wallet. If pairingTopic is defined, no modal will be shown in the dapp, and a prompt will appear in the corresponding wallet to accept or decline the session proposal. The list of active pairings can be accessed using the getAvailablePairing method. A good practice is to show the dapp user available pairings if they exist and to allow him to connect through one of them (skip the QR/deep-links Modal) or to connect using a new pairing (using the QR/deep-links)

The parameter of the requestPermissions method also has an optional registryUrl parameter allowing to customize the list of wallet deep links to show in the Modal.

If no connection can be established with a wallet, the error ConnectionFailed will be thrown.

Suppose there is a need to restore a session in the dapp rather than using the requestPermissions method, which would establish a new session. In that case, it is possible to configure the WalletConnect class with an existing session using the configureWithExistingSessionKey method. The session will be immediately restored without a prompt in the wallet to accept/decline it. The list of existing sessions can be retrieved with the getAllExistingSessionKeys method. An InvalidSessionKey error will be thrown if the provided session key doesn't exist.

Send Tezos operation with WalletConnect and TezosToolkit

Once an instance of WalletConnect is created and a session is established, it can be injected into the TezosToolkit using its setWalletProvider method. Methods of the wallet API can be invoked to send operations to the blockchain. Those operations will be signed and injected by the wallet. The permission PermissionScopeMethods.TEZOS_SEND must have been granted, or the error MissingRequiredScope will be thrown.

Wallet connect allows granting permission for multiple accounts in a session. The setActiveAccount must be called to set the active account that will be used to prepare the operation. It should be called every time the active account is updated in the dapp. It is possible to retrieve a list of all connected accounts using the getAccounts method. The getPKH method will return the public key hash of the active account. Note that if only one account is present in the session, it will be set as the active one by default.

In the same order of ideas, setActiveNetwork must be called to specify the active network. The getNetworks method retrieves the list of available networks in the session.

Here is a complete example of using wallet connect to perform a transfer operation:

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Sign payload with WalletConnect

The sign method of WalletConnect can be called to sign a payload. The response will be a string representing the signature. The permission PermissionScopeMethods.TEZOS_SIGN must have been granted, or the error MissingRequiredScope will be thrown.

Events handling

Wallet connect allows listening to specific events. Taquito has listeners on the events session_delete, session_expire, and session_update and will update his internal session member accordingly if one of these events is emitted. The dapp should also handle those events as follow:

walletConnect.signClient.on("session_delete", ({ topic }) => {
// The session was deleted from the wallet
// the dapp should listen for the event and reset the dapp state,
// clean up from user session (for example, go back to the connect wallet page)
walletConnect.signClient.on("session_update", ({ topic }) => {
// The session was updated in the wallet
// Does the accounts/network have changed, which requires calling the `setActiveAccount/setActiveNetwork` methods?
// Update the app's state (selected account, available accounts, balance, ...)

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