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Version: 20.1.0

Contract call parameters

The smart contracts on the Tezos blockchain only work with Michelson, so it can be sometimes complicated to write the correct JavaScript values that Taquito will translate to Michelson values for contract calls.

You will find below tables that match some of the most common values that smart contract receive through their entrypoints and the corresponding JavaScript value that Taquito expects.

You can find the tests used to check these values in this GitHub repo


Since Taquito version 16.2.0, we introduced syntax support for nested options in methodsObject but not methods due to the limitation of the flattened form. We recommend users migrate to using methodsObject as its syntax is consistent with storage parameters, supports all Michelson data types, and is continually maintained.

Primitive types

Michelson typeMichelson valueTaquito methods & methodObject
mutez50000050000 / 50_000

Note: you can import UnitValue from @taquito/taquito and @taquito/michelson-encoder Note: if you want to pass the current timestamp to a contract entrypoint, you can use new Date().toISOString() which will output the right format.


Michelson typeMichelson valueTaquito methodsTaquito methodsObject
option natNonenullnull
option natSome 666 or [6] or {Some: 5}
option stringSome "Tezos""Tezos""Tezos" or {Some: "Tezos"}
option (list nat)Some { 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 }[6, 7, 8, 9][6, 7, 8, 9] or {Some: [6, 7, 8, 9]}
option (pair string nat)Some (Pair "Tezos" 8)"Tezos", 8{0: "Tezos", 1: 8} or {Some: {0: "Tezos", 1: 5}}
option (or string nat)Some (Left "Tezos")0, "Tezos"{0: "Tezos"} or {Some: {0: "Tezos"}}
option (option nat)Some(None)not supported{Some: null}

There is nothing special to do to pass an option with Taquito, Taquito will assume that passing null means that you want to pass None and any other value will be Some. You can then pass the value following the format corresponding to its type.


Michelson typeMichelson valueTaquito methodsTaquito methodsObject
or int stringLeft 50, 5{0: 5}
or int stringRight "Tezos"1, "Tezos"{1: "Tezos"}
or (pair int nat) stringLeft (Pair 6 7)0, { 0: 6, 1: 7 }{0: { 0: 6, 1: 7 }}
or (or string (pair nat int) (or int nat))Left (Right (Pair 6 7))see belowsee below

For nested unions, Taquito will parse it as an entrypoint, so any nested union is going to be available under its index on the methods object. In non-nested unions, you target the Left side of the union with 0 and the Right side with 1.


Michelson typeMichelson valueTaquito methods & methodsObject
list nat{ 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 }[5, 6, 7, 8]
list (pair int string){ (Pair 5 "Tezos") ; (Pair 6 "Taquito") }[ { 0: 5, 1: "Tezos" }, { 0: 6, 1: "Taquito" }]
list (list nat){ { 5 ; 6 ; 7 } ; { 8 ; 9 ; 10 } }[ [ 5, 6, 7 ], [ 8, 9, 10 ] ]
list (or (pair int nat) string){ Left (Pair 6 7) ; Right "Tezos" }[ { 0: { 0: 6, 1: 7 } }, { 1: "Tezos" } ]

In a list, pair and union values are always represented as objects: a pair is represented as an object with 2 properties (0 for the left field and 1 for the right field), while a union is represented as an object with a single property (0 for Left or 1 for Right).


Michelson typeMichelson valueTaquito methodsTaquito methodsObject
pair int natPair 6 76, 7{ 0: 6, 1: 7 }
pair %this (int nat)Pair 6 76, 7{ 0: 6, 1: 7 }
pair (int %one) (nat %two)Pair 6 76, 7{ "one": 6, "two": 7 }
pair (pair int nat) (pair string mutez)Pair (Pair 6 7) (Pair "Tezos" 500000)6, 7, "Tezos", 50_0000{ 0: 6, 1: 7, 2: "Tezos", 3: 50_000 }
pair (pair (int %one) (nat %two)) (pair (string %three) (mutez %four))Pair (Pair (6 %one) (7 %two)) (Pair ("Tezos" %three) (500000 %four))6, 7, "Tezos", 50_0000{ "one": 6, "two": 7, "three": "Tezos", "four": 50_000 }

The methodsObject method always takes a single object to represent the pair to be passed, while methods requires the pair fields to be spread. If annotations are present, they are used to identify the pair fielda in the corresponding properties of the JS object.

Map and big_map

See the documentation about creating and updating maps and big_maps

Bypassing the Michelson Encoder

Users can bypass the michelson-encoder and ContractAbstraction by directly passing JSON Michelson in a transfer call. This eliminates the need to fetch and create a JS/TS contract abstraction using or and also removes the requirement to create a local contract instance for interaction. As a result, the conversion of entrypoint parameters to the JSON Michelson format using the michelson-encoder is no longer necessary as used in the ContractAbstraction entrypoints as listed prior for methods and methodsObject.

The transfer method can be used with both the wallet and contract providers. However, it is necessary to specify and set the provider accordingly, whether it is a wallet or signer provider.


Please Note: By using JSON Michelson directly in transfer calls with Taquito, developers can bypass potential edge cases that are not currently supported by the michelson-encoder. This is particularly useful when dealing with heavily nested entrypoint parameters involving multiple nest optional values.

The michelson-encoder has limitations when encoding complex data structures with deep nesting in entrypoint parameters. By directly passing JSON Michelson, developers can freely construct and manipulate intricate entrypoint parameters without relying on the michelson-encoder to handle complex nesting. This approach provides more flexibility in working with complex data structures.

A brief example for Pair int string using a Wallet Provider would be:

let opWithWallet = await tezos.wallet.transfer({
to: 'KT1...',
amount: 0,
parameter: {
entrypoint: 'default',
value: {
prim: 'Pair',
args: [
{int: 6},

Another example of Michelson type pair (pair int nat) (option nat) using the Contract Provider.

const opWithSigner = await tezos.contract.transfer({
to: 'KT1...',
amount: 0,
parameter: {
entrypoint: 'default',
value: {
prim: 'Pair',
args: [{
prim: 'Pair',
args: [
{int: 6},
{int: 7}
{ prim: 'None' } // <- this || { "int": 10 }

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