Signer interface which is used across taquito in order to sign and inject operation

interface Signer {
    publicKey(): Promise<string>;
    publicKeyHash(): Promise<string>;
    secretKey(): Promise<undefined | string>;
    sign(op: string, magicByte?: Uint8Array): Promise<{
        bytes: string;
        prefixSig: string;
        sbytes: string;
        sig: string;


  • Parameters

    • op: string

      Operation to sign

    • OptionalmagicByte: Uint8Array

      Magic bytes 11 for block, 12 for preattestation, 13 for attestation, 3 for generic, 5 for the PACK format of michelson

    Returns Promise<{
        bytes: string;
        prefixSig: string;
        sbytes: string;
        sig: string;