Serializes any value of packable type to its optimized binary representation
identical to the one used by PACK and UNPACK Michelson instructions.
Without a type definition (not recommended) the data will be encoded as a binary form of a generic Michelson expression.
Type definition allows some types like timestamp and address and other base58 representable types to be encoded to
corresponding optimized binary forms borrowed from the Tezos protocol
Serializes any value of packable type to its optimized binary representation identical to the one used by PACK and UNPACK Michelson instructions. Without a type definition (not recommended) the data will be encoded as a binary form of a generic Michelson expression. Type definition allows some types like
and other base58 representable types to be encoded to corresponding optimized binary forms borrowed from the Tezos protocolWithout a type definition the base58 encoded address will be treated as a string