Class TransferTicketWalletOperation

WalletOperation allows to monitor operation inclusion on chains and surface information related to the operation

Hierarchy (view full)



_included: boolean = false
_includedInBlock: ReplaySubject<BlockResponse> = ...
_operationResult: ReplaySubject<OperationContentsAndResult[]> = ...
context: Context

Taquito context allowing access to rpc and signer

newHead$: Observable<BlockResponse> = ...
opHash: string

Operation hash


  • Parameters

    • Optionalconfirmations: number

      [0] Number of confirmation to wait for

    Returns Promise<undefined | {
        block: BlockResponse;
        completed: boolean;
        currentConfirmation: number;
        expectedConfirmation: number;
        isInCurrentBranch: (() => Promise<boolean>);

  • Parameters

    • Optionalconfirmations: number

    Returns Observable<{
        block: BlockResponse;
        completed: boolean;
        currentConfirmation: number;
        expectedConfirmation: number;
        isInCurrentBranch: (() => Promise<boolean>);