Our current smart contract abstraction feature is currently in preview. Its API is not final, and it may not cover every use case (yet). We will greatly appreciate any feedback on this feature.
ExtractSchema has been deprecated in favor of generateSchema
storage to parse to find the value
type of value to look for
The first value found that match the type or undefined if no value is found
Look up in top-level pairs of the storage to find a value matching the specified type
string representing the prim property of the token to find
an array of tokens of the specified kind or an empty array if no token was found
Look up the schema to find any occurrence of a particular token.
Useful to find all global constants in a script, an array of GlobalConstantToken is returned:const schema = new Schema(script);const allGlobalConstantTokens = schema.findToken('constant'); Copy
Useful to find all global constants in a script, an array of GlobalConstantToken is returned:const schema = new Schema(script);const allGlobalConstantTokens = schema.findToken('constant');
Produce a representation of the storage schema. Note: Provide guidance on how to write the storage object for the origination operation with Taquito.
Our current smart contract abstraction feature is currently in preview. Its API is not final, and it may not cover every use case (yet). We will greatly appreciate any feedback on this feature.