Michelson Map is an abstraction over the michelson native map. It supports complex Pair as key

Type Parameters



[michelsonMapTypeSymbol]: boolean = true



  • Parameters

    • key: K
    • value: T

    Returns void

    Set a key and a value in the MichelsonMap. If the key already exists, override the current value.

    map.set("myKey", "myValue") // Using a string as key
    map.set({0: "test", 1: "test1"}, "myValue") // Using a pair as key

    The same key can be represented in multiple ways, depending on the type of the key. This duplicate key situation will cause a runtime error (duplicate key) when sending the map data to the Tezos RPC node.

    For example, consider a contract with a map whose key is of type boolean. If you set the following values in MichelsonMap: map.set(false, "myValue") and map.set(null, "myValue").

    You will get two unique entries in the MichelsonMap. These values will both be evaluated as falsy by the MichelsonEncoder and ultimately rejected by the Tezos RPC.