RpcClient allows interaction with Tezos network through an rpc node



  • Parameters

    • url: string

      rpc root url

    • chain: string = defaultChain

      chain (default main)

    • httpBackend: HttpBackend = ...

      Http backend that issue http request. You can override it by providing your own if you which to hook in the request/response

    Returns RpcClient

    new RpcClient('https://mainnet.tezos.ecadinfra.com/', 'main') this will use https://mainnet.tezos.ecadinfra.com//chains/main


chain: string = defaultChain

chain (default main)

httpBackend: HttpBackend = ...

Http backend that issue http request. You can override it by providing your own if you which to hook in the request/response

url: string

rpc root url


  • Parameters

    • options: RPCOptions = defaultRPCOptions

      contains generic configuration for rpc calls to specified block (default to head) and version.

    Returns Promise<BlockResponse>

    All the information about a block


    getBlock() will default to `/main/chains/block/head?version=1` which shows { kind: attestation }
    getBlock({ block: 'head~2', version: 0 }) will return an offset of 2 from head blocks and shows { kind: endorsement }
    getBlock({ block: 'BL8fTiWcSxWCjiMVnDkbh6EuhqVPZzgWheJ2dqwrxYRm9AephXh~2' }) will return an offset of 2 blocks from given block hash..
  • Parameters

    • contract: string

      implicit or originated address we want to retrieve ticket balance of

    • ticket: TicketTokenParams

      object to specify a ticket by ticketer, content type and content

    • options: {
          block: string;
      } = defaultRPCOptions

      contains generic configuration for rpc calls to specified block (default to head)

      • block: string

    Returns Promise<string>

    Access the contract's balance of ticket with specified ticketer, content type, and content.

    ticket { ticketer: 'address', content_type: { prim: "string" }, content: { string: 'ticket1' } }


  • Parameters

    • data: PackDataParams

      Data to pack

    • options: RPCOptions = defaultRPCOptions

      contains generic configuration for rpc calls to specified block (default to head)

    Returns Promise<{
        gas: undefined | BigNumber | "unaccounted";
        packed: string;

    Computes the serialized version of a data expression using the same algorithm as script instruction PACK Note: You should always verify the packed bytes before signing or requesting that they be signed when using the RPC to pack. This precaution helps protect you and your applications users from RPC nodes that have been compromised. A node that is operated by a bad actor, or compromised by a bad actor could return a fully formed operation that does not correspond to the input provided to the RPC endpoint. A safer solution to pack and sign data would be to use the packDataBytes function available in the @taquito/michel-codec package.

    packData({ data: { string: "test" }, type: { prim: "string" } })
